Mumbai: Rohit Sharma, the vice-captain of the limited-overs team of the Indian cricket team, landed in the field for the first time on Thursday after the lockdown. Rohit did his first outdoor training after the ongoing lockdown due to the coronavirus epidemic. Rohit said on Instagram, 'It was good to come back to the park, do some training, felt myself after a long time.'
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Rohit last played an international cricket match during the T20 series in New Zealand and then he was dropped from the team due to an injury in the hamstrings.
Opener Rohit has recently completed his 13 years in international cricket. He was included in the playing eleven for the first time in an ODI match played against Ireland on June 23, 2007, in Belfast.
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He said, 'The greatest 13 years and the journey continues. Never thought that Borivali's boy would reach here. I am living my life by turning my arms. Rohit Sharma became very active on social media during the lockdown, he was often seen on Instagram chat with his team and players from abroad.
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